Friday, August 31, 2012

China is a very special place.

1. I was told I was/look (can’t remember) “very special” by two Hong Kong girls the other day. I said thank you, but I’m still not sure whether it was a strange compliment or a blatant insult. 
Call me Special Justine.

2. We rode a ferry to Mainland China from Hong Kong, and I saw my first real life cockroach. It was quite large and inspired me to gag profusely and shiver with disgust: the first encounter with my many new friends. According to Jenny, (who happens to be the Jennifer Lawrence, BTW. I’m rooming with a celeb, NBD. JKJK LOL. Her name really is Jennifer Lawrence though.) Utah is the only state in the US that is a safe haven from the crunchy creepy buggy guys. I hate them. I love Utah. I hate cockroaches. What do we find in our apartment upon arrival? 8 cockroaches so far.

3. At one of the stands in Stanley Market by the Hong Kong harbor, I found this hilariously terrifying cat. 

4. I had my first experience with squatter toilets. 
    A. No light. 
    B. No lock on the door. 
    C. No toilet paper. 
    D. No soap. 
    E. Aunt Jamima is here for a visit. 
        F. No actual toilet. 
Needless to say, it was quite the experience. I got through it. I’m over it. I can do hard things. HA. I <3 Special China.

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