Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Here are a few of my favorite things:

1. Frozen. Duh.

2. Exercise. No, really. It makes me feel so much better, and so much less likely to punch all the things.

3. Inspirational quotes.
Exhibit A:

I have to expound on this quote though. I know it's a fitspo quote, but this quote applies to just about everything in life. Every time I want to change something (go to bed earlier, eat healthier, read more, etc.) I fail in no time if I focus on how many days in a row I've succeeded or if I'm already less tired or smarter. If I focus on making decisions right now based on my goal, then I am way more likely to succeed. That's real. 

4. Dancing. Probably fits with exercise...I just love everything about it. It's so much fun.
 ...Moses supposes his toeses are roses...

5. Nice people. There are so many wonderful people in the world, and they inspire me to be better. 

This is what came up when I googled "nice people." So get reading. Click here.

All the love,