Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Frustrations of Life

It's been a while since I last blogged, but I finally found some time and the desire to get some frustrations out.  Ha.  I'm on my school's We The People team, and Nationals is in about a week, which has definitely been on my mind lately and has been stressing me out.  I have 6 members in my unit, and it hasn't always been smooth sailing, especially not now with all the extra stress...  To try and deal with it, I've been repeating a mantra of sorts in my head over and over and over again.  One of my close friends came up with it, while listening to me complain and whine (he's a sweetheart.)  He told me it's best to assume "everybody's just doing the best they can."  Needless to say, it was not what I wanted to hear at the climax of my moping, but it was definitely a good thing for me to realize.  So I've been repeating that to myself incessantly this past week, as I deal with personal conflicts in the unit, people skipping out on meetings and not telling anyone why, desperately needing to exercise patience when it has gone MIA, and many more exciting and rewarding aspects of working in a dysfunctional group of U.S. Constitution nerds.  :)

I've also been looking up some "uplifting" quotes to try to lift myself out of this depressing funk I've got myself in.  Despite reciting "everybody's just doing the best they can" endlessly in my frazzled mind, I am far from actually believing it, and therefore, tend to get down on myself and my unit.  Just a little tiny bit.  Yeah... just a little.  Anyway, point is: I'm trying to get out of it. :)  So, true to my native Utah roots, I'll be sharing a cheesebomb cutsie quote:

“Being considerate of others will take you further in life than a college degree."

Good one, right?  I thought it was quite appropriate for my situation.  I tend to get stuck on myself and think I'm sooo busy and soooo important (especially with college and scholarships coming up,) when really, everyone has more than enough reason to think that of themselves, but what would that help?
In the end, the best thing I can learn from this whole experience is how to look beyond myself.  The solar system doesn't revolve around me.  Nope, it really doesn't.  

Wish us luck at Nationals. :p  We'll need it. :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Here we go.

Welp, I'm trying out the whole blogging thing... I feel like a classic Utah mom starting my blog about life's joys and hardships and my latest quilting project.  Don't worry-- I will definitely post pictures.
It's my spring break this week, and for the most part, I've been successful in completely forgetting about all my responsibilities.  Naturally, I've left all my homework and other joys on my to-do list for the Sunday night before I go back to school.  Can't wait for that one.
I'm a little lost as to what I'm actually supposed to post on these blogs... I highly doubt anyone will actually read this anyway, so I guess I could write anything I wanted.  I could write about my feelings on serious political issues.  I could puke up all my deepest darkest secrets.  I could write anything I like about my friends.  Or enemies, for that matter.  Meh, I'll think about it.  In the meantime, I'm off to eat some lovely sugar cookies my dear little sister has made. :)